LR Task

1) Type up your feedback in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential).
WWW- 6/34 leaves little to be positive I think the important thing here is to we this as an important lesson for the future .
EBI-There is very little evidence here of revision and preparation. You haven't completed the blog task for the film CSP and this has cost you.
-Written English + handwriting very concerning.2) Read the mark scheme for this assessment carefully. Write down the mark you achieved for each question:

Q4: 0/2
Where you didn't achieve full marks, write WHY you think you missed out on the extra marks. Use the indicative content suggestions in the mark scheme to help with this.

There is very little evidence here of revision and preparation. You haven't completed the blog tasks for the film CSPs and this has cost you.

3) Did you get any media terminology wrong in the assessment? Make a note of it here for future revision:
I did media terminology wrong in the assessment for example on question 6 on the 20 marker.

4) Look specifically at question 3 - did you successfully write about both the preferred and oppositional readings? Did your answers match any in the mark scheme?
I did not successfully write about both preferred and oppsitional in the assessment  and it did not match the scheme.

5) Now look at question 4. Write a definition of vertical integration to revise this key industry terminology.
When one media conglomerate owns companies in the same chain of production.

6) Finally, look at your 20-mark essay - question 6. Write a four-paragraph essay plan for this question, using the suggested answers in the mark scheme to help you. Use this format:

Paragraph 1: Films who work by themselves  are not known as hollywood movies
Paragraph 2: Hollywood movies spend and earn money so they can afford to get big movie stars
Paragraph 3:I, Daniel Blake doesn't have a big budget to spend on CGI, green screen and action so                          less people would want to see it.
Paragraph 4:Doctor strange have an advantage as they already have a wider range of audience as                            Doctor strange is part of the marvel series.


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