
1) List the people, places and groups represented in the poster. E.g. men, women, teenagers etc.
This is stetted in south London they are teenagers on a rooftop which are most likely not up to good.

2) Are there any stereotypes you can identify?
The stereotypes for the this movie is that they are up to not good and that they are all troublemakers and are dangerous to society.

3) What is the preferred reading of this poster?
The preferred reading for this poster is that they are apart of a dangerous group which could be causing harm to there surroundings.

4) What is the oppositional reading of this poster?
The oppostional reading for this is that they out not dangerous and they are just out to play a game

Extension: What does this poster suggest about British society? 
It suggests that people who are not british white are part of gangs.


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